Is your staffing company’s marketing STRATEGIC, MEASURABLE and based on ANALYTICS?
In staffing, great marketing isn’t about spending more…it’s about getting more ROI from the money you spend. In this webinar, we’ll look at the big trends going on in marketing, and we’ll show you what they mean for staffing and recruiting companies.
Buckle up…and get ready for lots of ideas to dominate the web, differentiate your services, radically improve your recruiting, and fill more of your open job orders.
In this webinar, you’ll see:
- 5 essential upgrades for your website
- 6 trends in SEO…and one thing you MUST start doing
- 7 strategies to make your content marketing work better
- The latest insights on using social media for sales and recruiting
Recorded: Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 2:00 PM ET
Duration: 1 hour
ASA CE Credit: 1.0 hour Active CE
David Searns, Co-CEO, Haley Marketing
When it comes to marketing a staffing firm, few people know the industry like David. He literally grew up in the business. He has been helping staffing companies create innovative marketing strategies and award-winning websites for more than 25 years.