You spend a ton of money to get people to visit your website…and most disappear without ever taking action.
They don’t apply to a job.
They don’t contact you about your staffing services.
The just leave…without doing ANYTHING.
In this Lunch with Haley Webinar, we show you how to get dramatically more response from your website visitors. More applies. More sales leads.
Are you ready to stop losing the people who are ALREADY VISITING YOUR WEBSITE?
Grab your seat to our next webinar today!
Recorded: Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 2:00 PM ET
Duration: 1 hour
ASA CE Credit: 1.0 hour Active CE
David Searns, Co-CEO, Haley Marketing
When it comes to marketing a staffing firm, few people know the industry like David. He literally grew up in the business. He has been helping staffing companies create innovative marketing strategies and award-winning websites for more than 25 years.